Every Green Damaged hair regenerating conditioner...
Obnovujúci kondicioner Damaged rigenerante Every Green obsahuje keratín, arganový olej, olivový olej. Vlasy sú po použíti jemné a silné.
ArgaBeta Energy Hair Loss Shampoo with AKOSKY ™ azuki and thyme and eucalyptus essential oils
(Orders over 50 EUR)
(You will receive the goods within 2 days)
(We will also offer you a sample of a new product)
Volume: 250/500/1000 ml
S AKOSKY ™ azuki and essential oils of thyme and eucalyptus
To use: Apply to scalp and create foam. Rinse. Apply repeatedly to the scalp, create a lather, or leave on for 1-2 minutes to achieve maximum effect. Rinse with water and dry your hair with a towel. Then apply mask / conditioner.
Obnovujúci kondicioner Damaged rigenerante Every Green obsahuje keratín, arganový olej, olivový olej. Vlasy sú po použíti jemné a silné.
ArgaBeta Argan Dikson softening shampoo for everyday use with argan oil gently cleanses the scalp, without drying the hair along its entire length and leaves it thick and smooth.
Sérum ArgaBeta vegKeratin Dikson obsahuje sójové a ryžové proteíny, ktoré sú špeciálne navrhnuté na obnovu končekov a dlžku suchých a veľmi poškodených vlasov, uľahčujú rozčesávanie, eliminujú vysušovanie a chráni pri fénovaní.
POLIPANT COMPLEX ampoules against hair loss and supporting hair growth. They contain animal placenta extract, plant extracts and wheat proteins.
DSM Dikson ampoules against hair loss based on silk proteins, which add shine and create a protective layer, extracts from the placenta, which support the physiological balance of the scalp, bring vitality and health.
Maska ArgaBeta vegKeratin Dikson s obsahom sójových a ryžových proteínov, špeciálne vyvinutá pre veľmi poškodené vlasy, na obnovenie ich prirodzenej krásy a lesku.
Loss control anticaduta Every Green shampoo gently cleanses the scalp, strengthens and tones the hair without drying it out. Jojoba oil, ginseng, caffeine and white lupine not only strengthen the hair, but also support the growth of new hair.