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Luxury Caviar profitable packaging - 4 psc products (Intensive revitalizing shampoo, revitalizing conditioner, revitalizing hair mask, renewing serum spray)
Šampón na každodenné použitie Anti-oxidant Every Green jemne čistí a tonizuje vlasy. Obsahuje olej z granátového jablka, pomarančový olej a ovsený extrakt. Chráni vlasy pred voľnými radikálmi, omladzuje ich a dodáva im vitalitu a lesk.
ArgaBeta Energy Hair Loss Shampoo with AKOSKY ™ azuki and thyme and eucalyptus essential oils
Rebalancing seboregolatore Every Green shampoo gently cleanses the skin without drying out the hair. Normalizes sebum production, thanks to its composition - birch extract, nettle, macadamia oil and rosemary oil.
ArgaBeta shine Dikson shampoo to preserve the color and shine of colored hair. Contains blackcurrant, grape seed and sweet almond oil. Adds incredible shine and smoothes frizzy hair.
Renewing shampoo Luxury Caviar Dikson's recipe is enriched with an extract of Caulerpa Lentillifera, a common algae in the Philippines and Japan, which is known as "green caviar" or "sea grapes".
Revitalizačný šampón ArgaBeta vegKeratin Dikson so sójovými a ryžovými proteínmi jemne čistí poškodené vlasy, viditeľne posilňuje ich štruktúru a dodáva im hebkosť a silu.