Every Green Restitutivo Restoring Shampoo For...
Šampón restitutivo for colored hair Every Green zachováva lesk a žiarivosť farbených vlasov. Jemne čistí a zjemňuje. Obsahuje marhuľový olej, paradajkovú šťavu, extrakt z rebríčka a materskú kašičku.
STRUCTUR FORT acts directly on damaged hair. Contains mineralizing compounds.
(Orders over 50 EUR)
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(We will also offer you a sample of a new product)
Packaging: 10 ampoules * 12 ml
STRUCTUR FORT - A product for restoring hair structure and strengthening roots (lactic acid - for bleached, fine hair and scalp). Lipid cocktail for fine hair and skin.
It works directly on damaged parts of the hair. Contains minerals. It helps to stabilize the ideal physiological conditions of the skin, it also works against dandruff and grease.
The use:
If your hair is very damaged, especially the ends, the ampoules will be dry after rinsing. In this case, apply conditioner / mask and rinse it. After about 3-4 ampoules, it will no longer be necessary.
We recommend the treatment: 1 ampoule - 10 washes in a row! You get a significant cumulative effect, silky, smooth, shiny and strengthened hair along the entire length!
If you have sensitive and dry scalp, do not apply the ampoule to the scalp!
If your hair is very dry and damaged, we recommend using the CREMA MIDOLLARE BAMBU mask or the Luxury Caviar Mask.
During staining, apply before the tinting phase. Subsequently, it can be applied without any restrictions, it does not wash off the paint, it adds shine.
The composition has an herbal-medicinal scent (because it is a treatment!), Which evaporates immediately after rinsing!
Šampón restitutivo for colored hair Every Green zachováva lesk a žiarivosť farbených vlasov. Jemne čistí a zjemňuje. Obsahuje marhuľový olej, paradajkovú šťavu, extrakt z rebríčka a materskú kašičku.
Šampón na každodenné použitie Anti-oxidant Every Green jemne čistí a tonizuje vlasy. Obsahuje olej z granátového jablka, pomarančový olej a ovsený extrakt. Chráni vlasy pred voľnými radikálmi, omladzuje ich a dodáva im vitalitu a lesk.
Revitalizing serum spray with green caviar Dikson Luxury Caviar based on Caulerpa Lentillifera extract
Renewing shampoo Luxury Caviar Dikson's recipe is enriched with an extract of Caulerpa Lentillifera, a common algae in the Philippines and Japan, which is known as "green caviar" or "sea grapes".
Zmäkčujúci šampón na rozmotanie vlasov Anti-frizz adolcente Every Green ideálny pre suché, vlnité a zamotané vlasy. Obsahuje sezamový olej, extrakt z echinacey, keratín a panthenol. Vlasy sú po ňom hladké, jemné a lesklé.
Šampón DiksoBlond Dikson špeciálne navrhnutý na použitie po zosvetlení farbou alebo práškom. Vďaka pšeničným proteínom a keratínu hĺbkovo rekonštruuje vlasy a dodáva im hebkosť a pevnosť po celej dĺžke.